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Year 8 Extension Courses

What is Extension?

YEAR 8 EXTENSION is an elective program which allows for students to work beyond the outcomes in Stage 4.

EXTENSION courses are offered to students in Year 8 in a wide range of subject areas to allow them to tap into their potential and fulfil their talents in a specific area.

The following information is important when selecting your subjects


  • Choose carefully.  There will be no changes.


  • Students must select one subject for each semester (half year). 

  • You must choose 4 electives with only one from any KLA area, listed in priority order.  A third and fourth subject are selected in case one of the first two selections becomes unavailable.


  • Parents should discuss selections with their child taking into account any subject contributions (fees) that may be involved. Click here for                                      information.


  • Consider not only subjects you like doing but also the ones that you have a natural ability in.


  • Ask your year adviser, class teacher, head teacher in the KLA or Deputy Principal for advice.


  • Choose your own subjects, not the ones your friends are doing!

Click                               for instructions on how to make your online selections.

To learn more about the Year 8 Extension courses on offer click through the slide show for each Key Learning Area. The slide show will automatically play through the range of courses but if you need more time to read the information simply hover the cursor over the text to stop auto-play.

Creative &Performing Arts


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Arts & Crafts


This course is an extension on the mandatory Visual Arts Course, where students are able to develop strong technical skills in more complex art forms.

Students use this course to expand their knowledge of traditional materials and techniques and work to develop and perfect their skills and ideas within their artworks. In this course, students will use forms and materials which may include: ceramics, lino printing, drawing, Photoshop, photography, drawing, painting, stencilling, ceramics, installation, and plaster casts.


This great course allows students to have more influence over the materials and techniques that they learn about and is designed for students who are creative; enjoy working in visual arts and who want to develop their skills and knowledge in this field.

Female Presenter


Can you speak persuasively?  Can you keep an audience entertained with only your words?  Are you a passionate orator? Maybe you just want to polish your skills.  If you would like to know what makes a great speaker and a great speech, then this is the course for you.

This public speaking elective focuses on consolidating your speaking skills and polishing your technique.  It will include debating, prepared and impromptu speeches and an examination of the art of rhetoric.

Film Set


Have you ever wanted to come to school and watch a movie?

For many high school students pictures are worth a thousand words! That’s how many people learn, and that’s why teaching history with film is a great way to make history  a blast. 

Watching popular movies may change your perspective about history and encourage you to think more analytically.

This course will provide you with the opportunity to explore periods of the past that you would not typically cover through Year 8 History.

The movies we watch will help you understand and gain knowledge on the current state of the world We will cover areas of history such as:

  • Historical figures

  • Civil Rights History

  • Indigenous/ Colonial history

  • Modern Era History

Using these examples from around the world, this subject examines film as a tool of historical investigation and representation. History, rather than the medium of film, is the focus of the subject.

Small Street in Japan


This course is aimed at Year 8 students who have a genuine interest in language learning.  The study of Japanese enables students to communicate with others in Japanese and to reflect on and understand the nature and role of language and culture in their own lives and the lives of others. 

In this course, students will use language for communicative purposes and they will analyse and understand the role that language and culture play in language learning. 

Students’ knowledge of hiragana and kanji is extended.

Students studying this course will have the opportunity to develop links with students from our sister school in Omiya Kita, Japan.  Students will have direct contact with Japanese students and will use their skills to communicate with them.  Students will also have the opportunity to host a Japanese student in their own home and exchange valuable culture knowledge.

Math and Geometry Tools


This subject will focus on the beauty of Mathematics.  We will look at all of the areas that Mathematics plays a part.  From the design of buildings all over the world, to back at home with how Mathematics plays an important part in everything that we cook.

How is what we learn in the classroom used in every aspect of life?

  • Did you know that there are Mathematical rules on how things work? 

  • Did you know that although every person is different in values and personalities, that we all follow the same rules in body design? 

  • Did you know that the weather is actually very predictable?

  • Did you know that Mathematics can even be seen within famous artworks throughout history?



This course will enable students to play an effective role in society and promote life skills in regards to working with young children.  Students will gain knowledge in relation to child care in the community and the care of babies and young children. 

Students will also learn about conception, birth, babies and childcare and community services.



In this course, students extend their skills in Plant and Animal Science through their applications in Agriculture.

This subject is practical and experimental based with students completing group and individual projects. 

Students will have the opportunity to design, complete and self-evaluate their own projects.  Where appropriate, laboratory experiences will complement activities in the agriculture farm.

All across the world, people are realising the role bees play in getting food onto our tables. Australia is the 4th biggest exporter of honey in the world, and a growing fascination with bees among the wider community has made beekeeping an increasingly popular hobby.

Students will get a basic knowledge of beekeeping. Students will work with bee hives, carry out general management, and understand how a bee colony works. They will also collect, bottle, market and sell the honey that is produced.

Technological & Applied Studies



If you have been able to show above average practical ability in your Technology Studies using timber, metals and graphics, then Advanced Practical Skills will give you further opportunity to develop your skills.

This class allows you to master additional practical skills in producing quality projects.  You may also gain added experience in using fixed machinery, hand and power tools.

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