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Human Society & its Environment

Aboriginal Studies 200 hrs

Students learn about the contributions and significance of Aboriginal Peoples, their cultural identities and expressions, including in the visual and performing arts, languages and spiritualities. Studying interactions between Aboriginal Peoples and communities and non-Aboriginal people, students develop an understanding of the importance of self-determination, and the contributions of Aboriginal Peoples.

Students also learn about a range of factors that influence attitudes towards Aboriginal Peoples and cultures, and the effects of these attitudes. This can include the influence of the media on the development of attitudes, and students analyse the effects of stereotyping on Aboriginal Peoples and communities.

Students will learn to use a range of research techniques and technologies. Students will also develop an awareness of appropriate protocols for consultation with Aboriginal communities, and of the importance of acknowledging ownership of cultural knowledge.

International Studies 200 hrs

This subject is a great opportunity for students to learn how to live, work, travel and interact in an ever changing world. International Studies provides students with an opportunity to explore and recognise their own cultures, and appreciate the richness of multicultural Australia and the world. It enables students to explore different cultures and to understand and appreciate the significance of culture; respect the culturally diverse world in which we live; value cultures from different perspectives; and develop skills to engage in our interconnected world. They gain knowledge of different cultural practices, values, beliefs and heritages to form a broader world-view. Students will develop skills to challenge cultural stereotypes and develop effective tools to promote successful intercultural communication and understanding.  This course will be responsive and students, as a class, will be able to make some decisions about what particular topics we cover in order to focus on the interests that are relevant to those in the class.

Law & Order 100 hrs

Are you interested in detective work and criminal investigations? Are you a good debater with a keen sense of right and wrong? Do you want to understand how courts work? Law and Order is an engaging introduction to the legal system – how our laws are made and how they are enforced. You’ll research interesting criminal case studies such as Ivan Milat, investigate parliament and visit Parliament House in Canberra, and visit the Downing Street Local Court and NSW Supreme Court in Sydney. There’s also a Mock Trial where you’ll role play a criminal case! This is a hands-on course that will also require research skills and assignments requiring extended writing. Law and Order will set you up for later study and for effective participation in our complex society.

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