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Skills 21 program at APHS

Albion Park High School has always strived to provide a rigorous educational model that meets the needs of all students.


In 2017 the ‘Skills 21’ program was introduced as an option for Stage 5 (Year 9 and 10) students. This program has been designed for students who require a different approach or focus to their learning and will be offered as an option for students entering Year 9 in 2022.

Students in the Skills 21 program obtain a ROSA (Record of School Achievement) at the end of Year 10, but have the opportunity to ‘learn through doing’ (experiential learning). This style of learning has a project-based learning focus, which links with the development of essential 21st century skills. These skills are critical in our rapidly changing world and include communication, leadership, initiative, team work, problem solving and critical thinking.

Students involved in the Skills 21 program will complete regular course work in

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • HSIE 

  • PDHPE.

  • 100-hour elective course (student choice)

  • 200-hour elective  - Work Education/Industrial Technology (Farm Maintenance)

The Work Education/Industrial Technology elective will have a focus on the Living Classroom and projects linked to its maintenance and further development. Students will have a designated ‘work day’ (3 periods per week) and will have the opportunity to collaborate with students in Year 10 and Year 11.

The 'Living Classroom' consists of a garden that has been designed, constructed and maintained using the methods and philosophies of permaculture. Permaculture is a forward-thinking design system based on principles found in nature. Its purpose is to create living environments that are harmonious, sustainable and productive; while greatly reducing the work and energy required to maintain them.

The 'Living Classroom' at Albion Park High School was designed and constructed by the first Skills 21 cohort in 2017. It has been an ongoing project which continues to provide all students with a great learning environment, as well as skills and knowledge associated with sustainable living.

Students who would like to be considered for the Skills 21 program are required to submit a nomination form (see link below). They should outline their reasons for wanting to be part of the program and list the skills they would like to develop by the end of Year 10.

The nomination form needs to be signed by both student and parent/carer and returned the DP in charge of the year group or the Careers Adviser.

An information session will be held in Term 3 to provide students and parents with more detailed information about the program. A notification regarding the information session will be sent to parents via email.

Given the current Covid 19 restrictions, this will be a ZOOM meeting in 2021.

Questions regarding the Skills 21 program can be directed to the Deputy Principal or Head Teacher VET/Careers Adviser.

How to nominate for Skills 21 for 2022:

1. Download the Skills 21 Program Nomination Form & Contract (click on button below)

2. Complete all sections, including signatures

3. Scan or screenshot and email to:

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